Student Profiles/学生档案/學生檔案
Yi Gu
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"Hard work is surely one indis- pensible element of success, but more important is your effective distribution of time."
From: Bldg 2, Haidan District, 7 Minzu Xueyuan Nanlu, #263, Beijing, PRC
Attended: 1986-87,87-88
Cluster: WQS
Dorm: Taylor East 6 Senior Year
Taylor East 5 Second Senior Year
Sports: Ping Pong Team; Indoor/Outdoor Track
Graduated: 1988
Awards: Special Mention for Distinguishe Scholarship during the Senior Year in Chemistry and Mathematics
Class of: 1988
College: Harvard
Sex: Male
Brother of Yu Gu (PA'90)
Taught Fractiles in PA 1990 Summer Session