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Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Will comply with son's wish to pursue studies on his own. States son appears more willing to work towards education. States if work interferes with Kong's education, Stearns is free to give…

Typed letter sent from Admiral H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Decided Kong should return to China after the end of the school year. States the high exchange makes it too expensive to continue education in America. Thinks Kong may have…

Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Sent a box containing a cloisonne incense burner and pair of vases as a Christmas gift.

Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to K.Y. Tu. Is glad K.Y. Tu is working to complete high school. Hopes K.Y. works hard and progresses in studies. Hopes K.Y. Tu stays away from bad influences. States China needs men of character during current…

Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to the Stearns. Thanks them for looking after his son. Sent 600 American gold. Asks to keep costs low and scrutinize usage. Sent a gift as thanks.

Typed letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. States that due to distance, Tu trusts Stearns' direction and supervision of son. Nominated as Minister of Navy and currently in Peking. Holding premiership temporarily due to current issues in…

Typed letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received $120 and sent receipt. Needs additional $35 for hospital bill and additional monthly expenses. States doctor charged $126 for adenoid operation.

Typed letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Changed mind about attending Boston Y.M.C.A. summer school. Asked a Chinese friend to tutor in Mathematics, Algebra, and English. States friend has taught in a middle school in China. Asks…

Typed letter from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received check from Mr. Hoppver. Asks for additional funds for month's expenses. Will send letter about big bills before purchasing. Taking 4 subjects. Enclosed bill.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr Alfred E. Stearns. Asks for information about American education. Asks if there are dental schools in Andover; years of training; high school diploma required; name of best dental college; course of study…
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