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Handwritten postcard sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns asking for allowance be sent once the postcard is received.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Wishes to attend Andover in the fall as a junior middle class. Requests room.

Handwritten letter from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Borrowed money from friends for conference. Requests $50 to repay friends and cover summer expenses.

Typed copy of letter sent from Sun Kum Fong to J.H. Pillsbury. Prefers son, Sun Fayuen, to stay with Pillsbury for the summer.

Typed letter sent from T. Theodore Wong to Alfred E. Stearns. Received letter with $300 check for expenses of Fayuen Sun. Returned to Washington yesterday. Will look for tutor for Sun.

Typed letter sent from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns. Apologizes for issue with Fayuen Sun. States the failure is also due to Fayuen's father. Explains Fayuen's father sent money directly in addition to the $80 monthly allowance. States Fayuen's…

Typed letter sent from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns. Unable to give Sun's address as Sun is traveling. Asks that remaining balance of Sun's account be sent to Wong. States money has been given to Sun for travel.

Typed letter sent from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns about remaining Fayuen Sun's guardian. States Mr. Tong Kaison asked Wong to take over guardianship. Explains conditions in China forced Wong to remain in Washington, D.C. Asks Stearns to remain…

Telegram sent from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns stating Fayuen Sun has not sent his address.

Handwritten letter sent from The Hilton Company to Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed a bill for purchases made by Fayuen Sun. Request payment.
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