Letter from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns, April 22, 1915
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Letter from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns, April 22, 1915
Letter from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns, April 22, 1915
Typed letter sent from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns. Unable to give Sun's address as Sun is traveling. Asks that remaining balance of Sun's account be sent to Wong. States money has been given to Sun for travel.
April 22, 1915
Mr. A. E. Stearns,
Phillips Academy,
Andover, Mass.
My dear Mr. Stearns:-
In reply to your telegram regarding Sun Fayuen’s address, I am sorry not to be able to give it. Sun left here the other day for San Francisco and he told me that on his arrival there, he would let me know his address He also asked me to write to to you about the balance.
As I have given him sufficient money for his passage and all other expenses, please send the balance, if any, to me.
Before he leaves San Francisco for China, I shall send him his May allowance.
With kind personal regards.
Very sincerely yours,
Mr. A. E. Stearns,
Phillips Academy,
Andover, Mass.
My dear Mr. Stearns:-
In reply to your telegram regarding Sun Fayuen’s address, I am sorry not to be able to give it. Sun left here the other day for San Francisco and he told me that on his arrival there, he would let me know his address He also asked me to write to to you about the balance.
As I have given him sufficient money for his passage and all other expenses, please send the balance, if any, to me.
Before he leaves San Francisco for China, I shall send him his May allowance.
With kind personal regards.
Very sincerely yours,
T.T. Wong
Phillips Academy
April 22, 1915
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