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Handwritten postcard sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns requesting monthly allowance be sent as soon as possible.

Reference investigation for Sun Fayuen initiated by Frank Bros in New York City. Refered to Mr. A.E. Stearns.

Typed letter sent from Franklin T. Kurt, president of Chauncy Hall School, to Alfred E. Stearns. States Fayuen Sun was never a student of the school. States a letter addressed to Sun arrived earlier.

Typed letter sent from Geo. B. Warren to Alfred E. Stearns about a lost check. States Mr. P. Sun lost a check for $10 and asked the bank to look for it. States check No. 315 was returned to Sun, but No. 316 for $10 to S.C. Luk was presented. Asks…

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban school to Alfred E. Stearns. States Sun is not willing to go to summer camp, despite his father's decision. Unable to convince Sun to go. States it is up to Stearns and Mrs. Hall. Will not…

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban School to Alfred E. Stearns. Provides dates for spring vacation. Asks where Sun will be spending vacation.

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban School, to Alfred E. Stearns. Received March 24th letter with $20 check for Sun Fayuen. Assumes Sun has permission to spend Easter vacation in Boston.

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban School, to Alfred E. Stearns. Told by Sun Fayuen that Sun expected to return the coming year.

Handwritten letter sent from L.C. Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Asks for tailor from Burnstone to measure for a new suit. Asks for monthly allowance.

Handwritten letter sent from Lester F. Alden to Alfred E. Stearns. States Nichols Academy has closed for the year. States Dudley High School is using the buildings.
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