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Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Stearns. States he's been sick since May 20th, including a two week hospital stay. Told by doctors that he is still sick and to be very careful. Explains the infection may go to his heart. Hoping to…

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Requests monthly allowance. Went to city hospital to see doctor. Told to be careful and take it easy for a few weeks. Is feeling better.

Typed note sent from L.S. Finger to Miss E. Rosamond Greenwood, acknowledging receipt of letter and check for K.Y. Tu.

Typed note from Dr. Stearns' secretary to Louis S. Finger of Andover National Bank. Enclosed $600 check to deposit in K.Y. Tu's account.

Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Agrees to Stearns plans and suggestions for his son. States his son insists on finishing the year, which Tu will allow. Asks Stearns to check his progress. Enclosed check for $600.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Provides credentials and background on Mr. Shao, a potential English tutor.

Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu. Willing to have Mr. Shao tutor Tu in English. Asks for bill to be sent.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Has friend, Mr. Y.L. Shao, who is willing to tutor Tu in English. Will cost $90. Asks Stearns opinion on tutoring. Provides Shao's address.

Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu. Sent monthly allowance. States English tutoring from Tu's Chinese friend would only work if the friend is exceptionally skilled in English. Explains it's not customary to pay ahead for…

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Asked Mr. Shao to send bill to Dr. Stearns. Asked for monthly allowance. States English High School will reopen September 13.
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