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Handwritten letter from Lottie M. Reed to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns requesting that any remaining balance on the $500 added to the account of Alfred Kwong be transferred to the account of his sister, Agnes Kwong.

Handwritten letter from Lottie M. Reed to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns regretting that Alfred Kwong, now studying at Springfield High School, could not get along better at Phillips Academy. Inquires whether or not there can be any rebate on money paid for…
Stearns_Folder5037Tsai_ 170.jpg

Handwritten letter sent from M.C. Wu to Alfred E. Stearns. Apologizes for not writing sooner. Discusses former Andover students studying at University of Maine. Planned to work in order to pay remaining tuition, but cousin wished for Wu to…

Telegram sent from M.D. Hollister to Dr. Stearns about decision to place Helen Tsai in her summer camp.

Handwritten letter sent from Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan to Phillips Academy. Apologizes son Howard has not worked harder at his studies. Asks that teachers give one more chance and accept son back into the academy.
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