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Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns acknowledging that he cannot return to Andover for the upcoming school due to his failing marks in English and geometry. Requests the return of his deposit for next year and asks for recommendations…

Typed letter from the assistant to the principal of Phillips Academy to K.C. Li. Acknowledges the receipt of Li's previous letter and, in the absence of Dr. Stearns, encloses a recent letter Dr. Stearns addressed to Mr. Liang which answers Li's…

Typed letter from K.C. Li to Dr. A.E. Stearns expressing his disappointment in the failed studies of P.Y. Liang at Phillips Academy and wishing for recommendations on where to send Yiang for the upcoming school year.

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.C. Li informing Li that his ward, Mr. Liang has not made much progress at Phillips Academy, and advising Li that a smaller school would suit Liang's educational interests best.

Handwritten letter from P.W. Liang to Dr. Stearns inquiring as to whether or not he'll be allowed to come study at Phillips Academy for the upcoming school year.

Typed leter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to P.W. Liang acknowledging the receipt of his previous letter and letting Liang know that he is welcome to come study at Phillips Academy so long as the entrance requirements are satisfactorily met. Lets Liang…

Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns asking him if he can stay at Phillips Academy and finish out the school year there despite his poor English skills.

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to P.Y. Liang informing him that while his English may be his stumbling block, he has made such distinct improvement during the academic term as to warrant the continuation of his studies at Phillips Academy…

Typed letter from the President of the Wah Chang Trading Corporation to Mr. Stearns letting Mr. Stearns know that if P.Y. Liang is unsuited for Phillips Academy to let him know of other schools suitable for him nearby.

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.C. Li informing him that Liang's studies are going poorly, especially his English, which puts into question whether or not Liang will be able to complete the year at Phillips Academy.
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