Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to P.W. Liang, May 9, 1918
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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to P.W. Liang, May 9, 1918
Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to P.W. Liang, May 9, 1918
Typed leter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to P.W. Liang acknowledging the receipt of his previous letter and letting Liang know that he is welcome to come study at Phillips Academy so long as the entrance requirements are satisfactorily met. Lets Liang know that he will be visiting Dunmer Academy soon and could schedule an in-person meeting when he does so.
May 9th 1918
Mr. P.W.Liang
Dummer Academy
South Byfield, Mass.
My dear Mr. Liang
Let me thank you for your very nice letter received this morning. I am interested to know that you are hoping to come
to Andover next fall; and I certainly trust that yon will be able to meet the entrance requirements in a satisfactory way. I am planning to come over to Dummer within the next few days in order to let Major Davy talk to the boys about our summer military camp at Andover; and I shall be glad to make use of that opportunity to talk over your plans with you.
With very kindest regards and the best of wishes believe me
Very sincerely yours
Mr. P.W.Liang
Dummer Academy
South Byfield, Mass.
My dear Mr. Liang
Let me thank you for your very nice letter received this morning. I am interested to know that you are hoping to come
to Andover next fall; and I certainly trust that yon will be able to meet the entrance requirements in a satisfactory way. I am planning to come over to Dummer within the next few days in order to let Major Davy talk to the boys about our summer military camp at Andover; and I shall be glad to make use of that opportunity to talk over your plans with you.
With very kindest regards and the best of wishes believe me
Very sincerely yours
Dr. Alfred E. Stearns
Phillips Academy
May 9, 1918
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