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Account of expenses for Sun Fayuen rendered November 9, 1908

Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to principal J.H. Pillsbury. Is not surprised by the change in Fayuen Sun's plan. Explains past Chinese students have changed plans previously agreed on. States orders from Mrs. Hall or himself won't change…

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban school to Alfred E. Stearns. States Sun is not willing to go to summer camp, despite his father's decision. Unable to convince Sun to go. States it is up to Stearns and Mrs. Hall. Will not…

Handwritten postcard from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Requests summer allowance of $230 be sent. Met S.C. Luke.

Handwritten letter sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Discussed matters with Kwan. Request $200 to cover summer expenses.

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury to Alfred E. Stearns. Recevied letter from Mr. Sun, Fayuen's father. Sent copy of letter. Asks Stearns if Sun shoud stay at Waban or return to Andover. Provides cost of room if Sun stays.

Typed copy of letter sent from Sun Kum Fong to J.H. Pillsbury. Prefers son, Sun Fayuen, to stay with Pillsbury for the summer.

Handwritten letter sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Wishes to stay in Boston for the summer. Asks what funds would be available. Asks how much Kwan, Luke, and his brother will receive. Asks for next month's allowance.

Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Fayuen Sun. Enclosed check for monthly allowance. States other students have not decided on summer allowance amounts. Suggest discussing with them. Will supply funds when decided.

Handwritten postcard sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns requesting monthly allowance be sent as soon as possible.
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