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Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Received check. Bought a winter suit and had bill sent to Andover. Discusses subjects currently taking in school.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Is glad Stearns recommended Power Point School. Plans to work on English studies. Asks for pocket money to be sent October 1.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. States rent is still unpaid. Explains ten dollars went to train ticket and expenses. Asks for pocket money from last 2 months. States school opens September 28th.

Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Sun Fayuen. States Sun does not need another suit, as the summer suit was recently bought. Urges Sun to be careful in expenditures, as Mr. Tong has requested.

Handwritten letter sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Studied through the summer. Wishes to purchases a new suit of clothes.

Handwritten postcard sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns requesting November allowance be sent.

Handwritten postcard sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns requesting December allowance for Thanksgiving vacation.

Handwritten postcard sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns asking again for monthly allowance for Thanksgiving vacation.

Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to principal J.H. Pillsbury. Is grateful for information about Sun Fayuen's actions. Approves discipline when Sun returns to school.

Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury to Alfred E. Stearns about Sun's disappearance before Christmas vacation. Explains Sun expected to stay at school for the vacation. States students staying need to be excused same as during the school year. …
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