Telegram sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns requesting remaining money in Sun's account. Needs funds for travel to China. States letter from father through Mr. Lee approved request. Has draft of telegram sent to T.T. Wong, asking for Sun's…
Typed letter sent from T.T. Wong to Alfred E. Stearns about remaining Fayuen Sun's guardian. States Mr. Tong Kaison asked Wong to take over guardianship. Explains conditions in China forced Wong to remain in Washington, D.C. Asks Stearns to remain…
Typed letter sent from Franklin T. Kurt, president of Chauncy Hall School, to Alfred E. Stearns. States Fayuen Sun was never a student of the school. States a letter addressed to Sun arrived earlier.
Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Franklin T. Kurt. Thanks Kurt for the letter. Apologizes for trouble. Wonder if Fayuen Sun had been honest in past letters.