Browse Items (185 total)


Typed letter from Louis Pinkos, maker of men's clothing, to Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed bill for clothes purchased by Fayuen Sun. States bill was contracted in October and is overdue.

Typed letter sent from Mabel L. Jones, secretary to Alfred E. Stearns, to Sun Fayuen. States Mr. Stearns is out of town. Will handle bill from Coos & Young upon arrival.

Typed letter from Mabel L. Jones, secretary to Alfred E. Stearns, to Sun Fayuen. States Mr. Stearns is out of town. Returns Saturday night.

Typed letter sent from Mable L. Jones, secretary to Alfred E. Stearns, to Sun Fayuen. Explains Stearns is away until mid-month. States no money has arrived. Explains Stearns had written Mr. Tong requesting money be sent.

Typed letter sent from Macullar Parker Company to Professor A.E. Stearns. States Sun Fayuen ordered a $32 suit to Stearns' account. Asks if Stearns approves the purchase.

Typed letter sent from Neil McMillan Jr. to Alfred E. Stearns. Thanks Stearns for remittance for L.C. Sun's subscription.

Typed letter sent from Richard Fiske to Alfred E. Stearns about Sun Fayuen. Requests Sun's current address.

Typed note from secretary to Phillips Academy principal, Alfred E. Stearns, to Sun Fayuen. States earlier letter was forward to Stearns. Explains Stearns may not be able to respond.

Handwritten letter sent from Soon Fayan to Alfred E. Stearns. Asks if Stearns heard from Thomas Lee's father. Asks for remainder of balance to be sent for passage to China. Plans to sail for China May 15. Provides address.

Handwritten postcard sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns, requesting monthly allowance be sent.
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