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Handwritten letter sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns about Li Chien Luan. Explains Li is one of the Chinese government students under his charge. Placed him in Amherst High School, but Li left Amherst to apply at Andover against…

Typed note sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Dr. Charles D. Tenney. Received letter and check from November 16th. Deposited check. Asks if $500 is to cover expenses for year, in order to better advice Li on expenses.

Handwritten note from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Received November 14th letter. Enclosed $500 for C.L. Li's account. States Li appears bright, though his English isn't as developed when compared to others.

Handwritten memorandum sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. States T.F. Lee is with Tsai and Seeto, who just visited Tenney.

Handwritten memorandum sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Asks about expected expenses for Li Chien Luan.

Typed note sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Dr. Charles D. Tenney. Enclosed bills for Tsai and Seetoo. States bills are current, but will forward any other bills if they arrive.

Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Dr. Charles D. Tenney about the accounts of Tsai and Seetoo. Sent individual checks and will forward receipts. Believes one amount is mistaken. States the amount should be $8 rather than $6. Advises…

Handwritten memorandum sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed $200 check for bills of Tsai and Seetoo.

Typed note sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Dr. Charles D. Tenney. Received letter from 19th with enclosed check. Sent treasurer's receipt and board bills from Mrs. Holt.

Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Li Chang Kang. Received cablegram stating Mrs. Lee wants Chenleun to attend Andover. Received letter from Dr. Tenney stating the same. Will admit student. States Chenleun will room with one of the…
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