Handwritten letter sent from Dr. E.A. Eastman to Alfred E. Stearns. Request check for $115 for work done for Sun Fayuen in April. States bill was to be paid in April but hasn't received money.
Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban School, to Alfred E. Stearns. Told by Sun Fayuen that Sun expected to return the coming year.
Handwritten letter from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns. Borrowed money from friends for conference. Requests $50 to repay friends and cover summer expenses.
Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Sun Fayuen. States Sun did not take entrance examinations in June and will have to take examinations in fall. Hopes Sun is successful in gaining admission. Will look into reserving room.
Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban School. Wrote to Sun about vacation. Gave permission to stay in Boston. Apologized for forgetting to inform Pillsbury.
Typed letter sent from J.H. Pillsbury, principal of Waban School, to Alfred E. Stearns. Received March 24th letter with $20 check for Sun Fayuen. Assumes Sun has permission to spend Easter vacation in Boston.