Letter from C.K. Bancroft to Mr. Walter Humphreys, Registrar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 21, 1908


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Letter from C.K. Bancroft to Mr. Walter Humphreys, Registrar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 21, 1908


Letter from C.K. Bancroft to Mr. Walter Humphreys, Registrar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 21, 1908


Typed letter sent from C.K. Bancroft to Walter Humphreys, registrar of Massachusetts Instituate of Technology, about the record of Tsai. States Tsai is missing testimonial for Geometry exam. Explains Tsai did well on theorems but not application. Explains if the exam warrants crediting him with geometry, Andover will do so. Asked if any favors can be granted in regards to entrance exams.


21 July, 1908

Mr. Walter Humphreys, Registrar,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Boston, Mass.

Dear Sir:-

I wish to thank you for the copy of the records made by candidates from this school for admission to the Institute. I note that Tsai, one of our Chinese boys, is in trouble because of the lack of a testimonial for his Geometry. The boy did very well on the theorems but not so well on the application of them, and as he did not pass his course in the spring term his instructor, who is inclined to regard a recommendation as a guarantee denied him one. If his record on your examination seems to warrant his being credited with that subject, we should be perfectly willing to have him accepted. He has been a faithful student with us. His brother has made an exceptionally fine record at Cornell, and I think this boy is capable of equal attainment. In view of the boy’s being a foreigner, we should be glad to see any favor in the way of entrance examinations extended to him which your Committee on Admissions sees fit to grant.

Very truly yours.



C.K. Bancroft


Phillips Academy


July 21, 1908


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