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Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns requesting a catalogue for Phillips Academy for the upcoming school year and expressing interest in being a student for the upcoming year. Ask how many Chinese students are enrolled at the school and…

Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns notifying Stearns of his wish to attend Phillips Academy as soon as possible as he does not like it much at his current school.

Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns acknowledging that he cannot return to Andover for the upcoming school due to his failing marks in English and geometry. Requests the return of his deposit for next year and asks for recommendations…

Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns asking him if he can stay at Phillips Academy and finish out the school year there despite his poor English skills.

Handwritten letter from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns announcing that he and another will be arriving at Phillips Academy that night or the next day and requesting that Stearns meet them at the station.

Telegram from P.Y. Liang to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, principal of Phillips Academy, alerting him that he is leaving New York for Phillips Academy with two other boys and to reserve rooms for them.

Handwritten letter from Percy Y. Liang to Dr. Stearns expressing his wish to take an examination to enroll at Phillips Academy for the upcoming school year and listing out the courses he has already taken and courses he wishes to take at Andover.

Handwritten letter from Peter W. Liang to Dr. Stearns expressing his wish to take an examination to enroll at Phillips Academy for the upcoming school year and hoping that he will be admitted as a student.

Typed letter from the assistant to the principal of Phillips Academy to Percy Y. Liang informing Liang, in the absence of Dr. Stearns, that there is no room available at Phillips Academy for the upcoming academic year and that they are unable to…

Typed letter from the assistant to the principal of Phillips Academy to K.C. Li. Acknowledges the receipt of Li's previous letter and, in the absence of Dr. Stearns, encloses a recent letter Dr. Stearns addressed to Mr. Liang which answers Li's…
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