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Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to H.F. Yung. Advises Yung that Andover National Bank does little work in foreign exchanges, and offers up a handful of banks in Boston as alternatives. Agrees to be a reference for Yung since he has…

Typed letter from H.F. Yung to Dr. A.E. Stearns expressing that he has little hope in securing a summer position at a bank in Boston for the summer. Plans on potentially visiting New York City to secure a summer position at a bank there, but is…

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to H.F. Yung. Expresses regret for not having met success in securing a summer position in Boston, and should Yung decide to go to New York City, offers him a letter of recommendation and introduction for such…

Typed letter from H. Fun Yung to Dr. Stearns requesting the address of Tsai in order inquire as to whether or not Tsai will be attending the Chinese Students' Conference at Cornell later in the year. Informs Stearns that since he was unable to secure…

Typed letter from H.F. Yung to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns requesting the address of Tsai for further correspondence. Lets Stearns know that he is currently working at the International Banking Corporation in New York City and likes the work well.

Typed letter from the secretary to the principal of Phillips Academy to H.F. Yung giving Yung Tsai's address in the absence of Dr. Stearns.
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