Browse Items (46 total)


Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to McLean Hospital inquiring about the condition of Hin Wa Yung, recently committed to the hospital. Assures the hospital that Yung's family is one of the oldest and best in China and will pay for all…

Typed letter from F.H. Packard, Medical Superintendent for McLean Hospital, to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns detailing the condition of Hin Wa Yung. While it too soon to make a diagnosis, signs of dementia are prevalent. Mentions that the rate of board for…

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to F.H. Packard at the McLean Hospital. Discusses the condition of Hin Wa Yung and his family's readiness to meet the financial obligations of Yung's care. Stearns will assume the responsibility of the debt and…

Handwritten letter from H.F. Yung to Dr. A.E. Stearns. Recounts a visit to McLean Hospital to visit his brother and then notifies Dr. Stearn that he is sending him two packages of tea from his friend, who is a tea merchant.

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to H.F. Yung further discussing the care and treatment of Yung's brother Hin Wa Yung at the McLean Hospital.

Handwritten letter from H.F. Yung to Dr. A.E. Stearns. Notifies Stearns that he is sending him two cans of "Li Chee" and wishes Stearns a very happy New Year.

Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to H.F. Yung. Thanks Yung for the canned Li Chee and expresses remorse in not being able to meet up sooner due to Stearns' busy travel schedule. Wishes to meet up soon in Boston in order to discuss potential…

Telegram from Yung to Dr. A.E. Stearns. Notifies Stearns that he has a friend coming to Andover and arriving in about a week and requests Stearns to reserve a room for him.

Handwritten letter from H. Fun Yung to Dr. A.E. Stearns on behalf of King Look, letting Stearns know that Look is staying with him in Boston and will be reaching out to Stearns shortly.

Typed letter from H.F. yung to Dr. A.E. Stearns detailing his plans for the summer at the close of his semester at Boston University. Inquires whether or not Stearns has connections with Andover National Bank in order to secure a summer job there in…
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