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Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Doctor E.A. Eastman. Asks for itemized bill. Asks if bill is for Lun Cho Sun or brother Fayuen Sun. Was unaware of bill. States both boys were told no bills to be contracted without Stearns' knowledge or…

Typed letter sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Fayuen Sun asking Sun to forward Thomas Lee's trunk to West Stewartstown, New Hampshire.

Handwritten letter sent from Dr. E.A. Eastman to Alfred E. Stearns. States a bill incurred by Fayuen Sun was sent to Stearns. Explains the bill was okayed by Sun to be sent to Stearns, but has not been paid. Enclosed another copy of bill.

Handwritten postcard sent from Sun Fayuen to Alfred E. Stearns requesting November allowance be sent.

Typed note sent from Alfred E. Stearns to W.J. Brigham, stating Dr. Sun Yat Yen, temporary president of China, is not the father of Fayuen Sun, whose address has been requested.

Typed note sent from Alfred E. Stearns to Waban School principal J.H. Pillbury. Enclosed $25 for Sun Fayuen's winter vacation. Asked for receipt to be signed and returned.

Handwritten letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Sun Fayuen. Sent money to reimburse last trip to Andover and cover current trip. States delay is due to Sun choosing school, which ultimately no longer exists. Asks Sun to visit Saturday or Sunday…

Handwritten letter sent from Dr. E.A. Eastman to Alfred E. Stearns. Request check for $115 for work done for Sun Fayuen in April. States bill was to be paid in April but hasn't received money.

Handwritten postcard sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Purchased a suit. Forwarded bill. Asks for bill to be paid.

Handwritten postcard sent from Fayuen Sun to Alfred E. Stearns. Heard from Hilton Co., who hasn't received payment for the suit. Asks for bill to be paid soon.
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