Typed letter from S.Y. Hu to Dr. A.E. Stearns giving him an update on Chu and Fang and asking Stearns for information regarding various Chinese students studying at Phillips Academy. Catches Stearns up on recent political and economic developments in…
Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to S.Y. Hu expressing his regret concerning Chu and Fang's departure from Phillips Academy for private tutoring in Boston in the hopes of attending Boston University, an "easy" university Stearns feels is not…
Handwritten letter from Wellington Chu to Mr. Hu detailing his recent arrival at Phillips Academy, his course selection, and first weeks at the school.
Handwritten letter from S.Y. Hu to Dr. A.E. Stearns regarding the departure of Chu and Fang from Phillips Academy. Hu includes the letter he received from Chu and Fang regarding their departure.
Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to S.Y. Hu thanking Hu for sending him his letter received from Chu and Fang concerning their departure from Phillips Academy. Desire to uncover the real facts concerning their departure, and requests that Hu…
Typed letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to S.Y. Hu informing him of the sudden and unannounced departure of Chu and Fang from Phillips Academy. Expresses lament over the boys' departure and requests that Hu, who has an interest in the boys'…