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Check heading for K.Y. Tu's fourth quarter tuition bill, sent to Mr. A.E. Stearns.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received letter from cousin in Michigan, stating cousin is returning to China and wished to see Tu. Went to New York. Asked for $55 extra to cover expenses, in addition to $100

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. States Stearns can write the check to Tu and Tu will take it to the post office, in response to December 2 letter. Will ask friend not to send more gifts.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to D. Alfred E. Stearns. Lists items needed for the winter. Asks for $75 to cover. Explains current suit is too small and a new coat for the winter.

Handwritten letter from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. States a friend sent a scarf pin from China, but the duty was $24. Explains the company cut the duty to $18.40 after learning Tu is a student. Requests money to pay the duty. States pin is…

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Heeded Stearns advice about vacation. Plans to spend Thanksgiving vacation with a friend in Lima. Asks for $10 to cover vacation expenses. Asks for check to send to dentist.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Wants to visit Syracuse for Thanksgiving vacation, which is 6 days. Asks for $22 for trip, and money for a doctor's bill.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received money for clothes. Sent a receipt instead of bill; states bill was paid out of spending money and asked for that amount. Asked about the $600 sent by family asking if it was…

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Explains how $65 sent previously was spent. Sent bill from soccer coach. Asks for additional money for clothes. Discusses school courses.

Handwritten letter sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Arrived in Lima and is now attending classes. Asks for additional money to cover costs of travel. Explains trunks were overweight and board used the money needed for books. Asks…
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