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Handwritten note from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Received November 14th letter. Enclosed $500 for C.L. Li's account. States Li appears bright, though his English isn't as developed when compared to others.

Handwritten memorandum sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. States T.F. Lee is with Tsai and Seeto, who just visited Tenney.

Handwritten memorandum sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Asks about expected expenses for Li Chien Luan.

Handwritten memorandum sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed $200 check for bills of Tsai and Seetoo.

Typed letter sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Thanks Stearns for giving Phillips scholarship to Seetoo. Asks Stearns to arrange room for Seetoo. Explains financial situation of Seeto's family in China.

Handwritten letter sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Introduces Loo Shih. Asks to keep Shih's expenses at Andover medium. States bills should be sent to Tenney.

Handwritten note sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns. Enclosed check for $260 for payment of K.P. Tsai's and Sax Loo's accounts.

Handwritten letter sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns about the tuition for Tsai and Seetoo. Believed Seetoo was to have free tuition. Asked if this was still the case.

Handwritten letter sent from Charles D. Tenney to Alfred E. Stearns explaining the best way to remitt funds from China. Explains low silver prices has affected the exchange rate between China and America.

Handwritten letter sent from C.K. Lee to Alfred E. Stearns. States son, Lee Chien Luen, went to America. Is under the guardianship of Tenney. Wishes for Lee Chien Luen to attend Phillips Academy.
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