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Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Agrees to Stearns suggestion to place son in a school to better focus on English. Hopes son will attend lectures on dental surgery. Will send additional $600. Provides new address.

Account of withdrawals and deposits for K.Y. Tu's account entered between January 2, 1925 and February 4, 1925.

Shipment contract between Hansen Bros. Traf. Co and Trans-Continental Freight Company to ship 2 packages of K.Y. Tu. Items to be shipped from Seattle, Washington to Andover, Massachusetts. Items includes a box and trunk.

Draft of telegram sent from Tu to Liut Whang in Admiralty Nanking. States no money and to cable Stearns at Phillips Academy immediately.

Telegram sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received father's telegram to head east. Requests money for fare and expenses on train. Draft of Dr. Stearns response written underneath. Wired money for trip and to buy own ticket

Draft of telegram sent from K.Y. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received father's telegram to head east. Requests money for fare and expenses on train. Draft of Dr. Stearns response written underneath. Wired money for trip and to buy own ticket

Typed note sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu. Answers Tu's questions from June 10 letter. States there are no dental schools in Andover. Sent Andover catalogue. Suggests writing to Harvard Dental School or Tufts Dental School.

Bill heading sent from Genesee Wesleyan Seminary to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns on behalf of K.Y. Tu.

Receipt from Genesee Wesleyan Seminary sent for K.Y. Tu's second quarter elocution. Paid October 6, 1926 by Dr. Alfred E. Stearns.

Bill heading sent from Genesee Wesleyan Seminary to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns on behalf of K.Y. Tu.
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