Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu, March 17, 1925


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu, March 17, 1925


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu, March 17, 1925


Typed note sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y Tu, to be forward to father, H.K. Tu. Acknowledges receipt of money. Received gift. Thanks Tu for photograph. Enclosed current copy of account. States son has worked to keep expenses in bounds. Will try to make current checks last.


Mr. K.Y.Tu

687 Connaught Road
Shanghai, China

My dear Mr. Tu:

Your two letters of February 16, in one of which I find enlosed a check for $600.00 to be credited to your boy’s account, have been duly received. I am depositing the money to the account in question and have notified your son of its arrival.

Only yesterday your boy came to my house, bringing with him the unique and most interesting gift which you were so generous and friendly as to send me. I am immensely grateful to you, and I can assure you that, outside of its usual qualities, the gift itself will always claim a special interest because of the thoughtful and friendly spirit which promoted it. Deeply as I appreciate this taken of your friendship, however, I do hope that you will understand that my interest in your boy, and indeed in my other Chinese friends, calls for no reimbursement of a material kind. I welcome the privilege that is given to me to help these promising young fellows in the far-away land and have enjoyed myself keenly in ministering to their needs, so far as it was in my power to do so. The pleasure I derive from these friendly and interesting contacts is reward enough and more.

May I also thank you and heartily, for the photograph of yourself which your boy brought to me yesterday and which I have now added to the constantly growing collection of pictures of good friends who now are scattered throughout and whom I still dare hope I may some day meet in person again or for the first time.
As your boy has found it necessary to draw ahead some on funds which I have borrowed in his behalf, and in anticipation of the arrival of your check, I am enclosing a copy of his account to date that you may see just where he stands and for what the money has been spent. Barring, perhaps, the radio apparatus sent back to his home, he seems to me to have striven hard to keep his expenses within bounds. As you doubtless know, living costs in America today are abnormally and absurdly high. Ever since the war, we have been expecting to see prices tumble, but if anything, the necessaries of life seem to have advanced a bit. I will make the $600.00, or rather the balance that is left after settling the account to date, last as long as I can, but I am afraid that it will not carry the youngster for very long.

Again thanking you for your exceptional friendliness and with kindest regards, believe me

Very sincerely yours.


H.K. Tu


Phillips Academy


March 17, 1925


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