Letter from H.K. Tu to K.Y. Tu, July 15, 1927


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Letter from H.K. Tu to K.Y. Tu, July 15, 1927


Letter from H.K. Tu to K.Y. Tu, July 15, 1927


Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to his son, K.Y. Tu. Encouraged with progress in studies. Believes athletics and and studies should go together. Stresses son to be economical. States son should learn to write simple but gramatically correct English. Thanks son for reports and photograph


Tientsin, July 15th. 1927

My dear boy,

Your letter of May 20th has been received and I am happy to learn that you have made progress in your studies and that your desire to participate in athletics has provided to you the incentive to study hard, I hope you will continue your good work in class rooms while you try to distinguish yourself in the athletic fields. Sports and studies should go together, for if you have the physics of a titan and are empty in your head you would not cut any figure in this struggling world of keen competition; on the other hand, if you have become a great scholar and acquired the bulk of human knowledge but are poor in health and cannot stand the strain and stress of modern society, you would not go very far in your life career. I therefore share your enthusiasm for sports, but I hope you will not neglect your studies.

Another thing which I want to impress upon your mind is that you should learn to be economical, As you know, I am not a wealthy man, as China goes through this terrible crisis and the civil strife which is distressing her may be a prolonged one, it is wise for all of us to be thrifty. In your school you should therefore learn not to waste money and make good use of it.

I have noticed some improvement in your English, but you should endeavor to learn to write simple but grammatically correct English,

In closing, I want to thank you for the report card of your last quarter's studies and also a photograph of yourself in frame, please let me hear from you again.

With love,

Your loving father,


H.K. Tu


Phillips Academy


July 15, 1927


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