Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, July 15, 1927


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Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, July 15, 1927


Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, July 15, 1927


Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Received letter from son, stating son has a renewed interest in academics in order to play sports. Asked what is required for son to complete high school. Asks if advisable to learn dentistry. Want son to learn profession that doesn't require much capital and can be practiced anywhere.


Tientsin, China, July 15

My dear Mr. Stearns,

I have just receiver a letter from my son, K. Y. Tu and the letter indicates that recently he has been taking greater interest in his studies owing to his desire to participate in athletic activities and the wise regulation of the school requiring the students to maintain a comparatively high scholarship before they would be allowed to do so. This is an encouraging news and I must thank you sincerely for your continuous and successful efforts to make him a good student.

I shall be obliged if you will kindly drop me a few lines when you are not very busy as to the time still required to complete his high school courses. My idea is to let him learn to be a dentist as soon as he has graduated from high school. Would it be advisable for him to study dentistry in a school or learn it in an office even before he has finished his high school courses? 1 believe that dentistry is one of the independent vocations and I like my son to acquire a profession which does not require much capital and can be practiced in any place and any circumstances.

Again I want to thank you for the great and sustaining interest you have taken in my boy and I am sure he will also feel grateful to you for what you have been doing for him in his mature age when he goes out to the world to labor for a living. I herewith enclose copy of a letter of mine to my boy which may interest you.

Yours sincerely.

Mr. Alfred Z. Stearns,
Philip’s Academy, Andover, Mass. U. 3. A.


H.K. Tu


Phillips Academy


July 15, 1927


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