Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu, December 22, 1927


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu, December 22, 1927


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu, December 22, 1927


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu. Allowed Kong Y. Tu to transfer to a local high school to finish diploma. Asked principal to follow Kong Y. Tu's progress. States not enough time has passed to determine if experiment is working. Hopes H.K. Tu will approve plans.


December 22, 1927

C/o H.K.Tong
Chihli River Commission
Tientsin, China

My dear Mr. Tu:

Your two letters of November 14 and 22 reached me a few days ago. As I have already answered them in good part in my letter of November 26, I have not much to add at this time.

I found Kong heartbroken over the decision that he return to China and he pleaded with me so earnestly to be given a little longer chance to make good hear that I yielded and allowed him to transfer to the local high school in the hope that his work there, which is distinctly easier than the work in our own school, might prove within his reach and permit him to secure the high school diploma which would gain him admission to a higher institution for more special work. I talked the matter over with the principal of the high school who promised to follow the case carefully and keep me fully advised as to the boy’s progress and prospects. I know, too that several of the teachers in the school who are well known to me have gone out of their way to give Kong personal instruction and help.

I have not yet received sufficient information from those who are working with the boy to enable me to determine definitely whether the experiment is likely to prove a success or not. Such incomplete records as have come to me thus far have not been very encouraging, I must admit. My fear and belief are that Kong is a bit too old to handle elementary work and retain permanently the values which he should derive from it. Of his spirit and effort of late, I can speak only in the highest terms. The boy is tremendously in earnest and distressed beyond words that he has not be able to make better progress thus far.

I hope every earnestly that you will approve of the plane adopted, and I am assuming, in view of your cabled message, that once we are assured here that the desired end cannot be attained, the authority to send the boy back to China is still mine. Unless I hear from you to the contrary, I shall act on this understanding.

As this is our Christmas holiday season, please accept the season’s greetings from me, and my heartiest good wishes for the coming New Year.

Very sincerely yours.


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


December 22, 1927


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