Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, January 25, 1928


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Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, January 25, 1928


Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns, January 25, 1928


Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Willing to give Kong Y. Tu another chance at a higher education in America. Prefers Kong move onto dentistry school or obtain practical experience. Leaves decision to Stearns. Thanks Stearns for being patient with Kong Y. Tu.


Dear Dr. Stearns,

I have received your letters of November 26th and December 22nd respectively, for which please accept my hearty thanks. The reason for my failure to reply to your letter of November 26th earlier than this is the absence from Tientsin of my friend Mr. Hollington K. Tong for nearly a month.

As you suggested I will give my son another chance to secure a higher and possibly professional education in your great country which I have no doubt will be of great assistance to him when he has to make a living for himself. I hope that Kong will do better this time and exert his utmost and I am also writing to him in this connection.

It will be to his benefit if Kong can complete his high school education and then take dentistry in a school approved by yourself or learn some practical dentistry in a place where the theory is taught and at the same time he has the opportunity to have practice. But I leave the matter for the preparation of his future entirely to you. I want to thank you most sincerely for the great interest you have taken and will take in him. I have no doubt that his failure to pass examinations must have caused you keen disappointment, but in spite of this you have been so patient with him. It is unnecessary for me to say that I am very grateful to you.

With greetings of the season.

Yours very sincerely,


H.K. Tu


Phillips Academy


January 25, 1928


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