Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu, February 20, 1928


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu, February 20, 1928


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu, February 20, 1928


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Admiral H.K. Tu. Acknowledges receipt of Tu's letter and check from Tu's brother. States he is glad Tu is willing to try new arrangement in regards to Kong's case. Believes the experience will be a learning experience for Kong.


February 20, 1938
Admiral H. K. Tu
C/o H.K.Tong
Chihli River Commission
Tientsin, China

My dear Mr. Tu:

I am this morning in receipt of your good letter of January 25 as well as one from your brother of January 27. Your brother’s letter contains a check, for $500.00 to be credited to your son’s account.

I am glad to secure from your letter the information needed to enable me to deal properly with Kong’s case. As I have just written you, the boy is now working in Boston, and I am sure he will be delighted when he learns the good news of your willingness to allow him to try out this new arrangement and to back him financially as well as you can while he does so. The boy had reached the point where he was ready to earn his way. If necessary, in the earnest endeavor to teach the goal which you had set him. I am still a bit skeptical as to what the outcome is to be, but at least I am sure that nothing can be lost by giving Kong this extra chance and that there will be some education to him in the experience itself. In the meantime we will continue to hope for the best.

Please accept my heartiest greetings and good wishes for the coming New Tear.

Very sincerely yours.


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


February 20, 1928


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