Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu, March 7, 1929


Dublin Core


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu, March 7, 1929


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu, March 7, 1929


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to K.Y. Tu. Enclosed check for $82.50 for school tuition. Prefers to pay school bills directly, not through the student. Asks for bill. States school tuition bills have varied greatly. Advises Tu to contact Mr. Virgil D. Harrington for information about summer hotels and jobs there.


March 7, 1929
Mr. K. Y. Tn
438 Columbus Ave
Boston, Mass

My dear Tu:

I have just received your letter of recent date and am enclosing a check for $82.50, as requested, to cover the last payment on your tuition at Huntington School.

I don’t like to pay school bills in this way. Hereafter please secure from the school the bill and send it to me, so that I may have a definite record from the school itself. The amounts I have sent you this year for payments on tuition vary so widely that I am at a loss to understand them. Perhaps you can make the situation a bit clearer.

I do not know much about summer hotels and the opportunities for work there. Mr. Harrington, our steward, runs a small one down on the New Hampshire coast and, while I doubt whether he would have any position such as you might fill, he might at least be able to give you some advise. A letter addressed to Mr. Virgil D. Harrington, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. would undoubtedly reach him.

With all good wishes, believe me
Very sincerely yours,


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


March 7, 1929


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