Letter from H.K. Tu to A.E. Stearns, May 1, 1929


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Letter from H.K. Tu to A.E. Stearns, May 1, 1929


Letter from H.K. Tu to A.E. Stearns, May 1, 1929


Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Thanks Stearns for March 26th letter. Agrees education cannot be forced and a regular job would be preferable. Enclosed $600 check. States it's the last remittance. States it can be used for return passage to China. Questions if K.Y. Tu can find a position in a Ford factory.


My dear Mr. Steams,

I have to thank you for your letter of March 26th. In reply I fully endorsed your opinion regarding my son; I may say further, that education cannot be forced upon, unless secure through self-will; whereas there is nothing left to be done, but a regular job, where knowledge and profession could be secured at the same time*
Enclosed please find a cheque for $600.00 remitted through the usual channel, you will please inform my son, that this is my last remittance, should he wish to return, he may use It as his passage money, and should he decide to remain, to be an apprentice In any Job that would suit him most, I would not object; I am exceedingly grateful to you for all the troubles you have taken on his behalf, it is my sincere wish that I may have an opportunity to thank you personally, and also to be able to do something for you in return.

Would It be possible to get him in one of the Ford’s factories, however I leave it to you, as I know you will do you best to help him, if he stays.

Shall be obliged for an acknowledgment for the cheque, and to assure you attain of my heartfelt gratitude to you.

With best wishes and kind regards.
Yours very truly,


H.K. Tu


Phillips Academy


May 1, 1929


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