Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. H.K. Tu, June 5, 1929


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. H.K. Tu, June 5, 1929


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. H.K. Tu, June 5, 1929


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to H.K. Tu. Acknowledges receipt of letter and check for $600.00. Will tell forward instruction to K.Y. Tu about remaining in America and obtaining a job. Sent monthly allowance. Will hold remaining balance in case K.Y. Tu returns to China and needs funds for travel. States K.Y. Tu is searching for a position with Ford.


June 5, 1929
Mr. H.K.Tu
148 Fok Sui Li
Route Joseph Frelupt
Shanghai, China

My dear Mr. Tu:

I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May 1, enclosing a check for six hundred dollars ($600.00), which I am depositing to the account of your boy as requested. I am writing your son by this same mail, advising him of your wishes, and telling him the it is evidently your desire that he should secure a regular job and earn his own way from now on if he is to remain in this country. I have sent him the customary allowance of one hundred dollars for June. In the meantime, I will hold the balance, together with a balance still remaining from your earlier remittances, until the boy decides on his future plans. If he does decide to return to China, I will see that he is allowed ample funds to meet the expenses involved in the trip. He is already seeking a position with Ford concerns and I hope may be successful. I shall be glad to help him all I can, though I am afraid that I have no special influence in that particular direction.

Assuring you again of my readiness to continue to aid you and your boy in every way in my power, and with best wishes for the days ahead, believe me

Very sincerely yours,


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


June 5, 1929


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