Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, Amherst College March 12, 1929

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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, Amherst College March 12, 1929


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, Amherst College March 12, 1929


March 12. 1929
Mr. Charles Sun
P.O.Box 93
Amherst, Mass.

Dear Charlie

I have read with the keenest Interest your letter received this morning and am very glad to know that your father has finally decided to allow you to make the decision in regard to returning home. It seems to me that he is wise in doing this, and I am sure that you will do what you yourself consider wisest in the matter.

Frankly, I believe you ought to go back at the end of your college course. If after being at home a few months or a year and having a chance to look over the situation for yourself at first hand you feel that some further and specialised work in this country would fit you better to serve your country later, then it will be within your proper province to come back again. If not, I am sure that you will at least be able and eager to render valuable service to China at a time of great need on the basis of your training and study to date. Frankly, it seems to me that what the new government in China needs more than anything else just now is men of high ideals and sterling character who will stand against every insidious influence for honesty and justice in public as in private life. Since I am confident that you are made of that fine stuff, I cannot help feeling that you will render a bigger service to your country through your personal influence than you will even through your knowledge of economic laws and your study of economic problems.

It was certainly fine to have that little chat with you up at Amherst last week, and I regret more than I can say that they kept me so busy that day that I had no chance to see more of you and talk over your problems in greater detail. If you care to discuss these further, can’t you run out hero for a day at least during the coming Easter holidays?

In the hope that I am not advising you wrongly and with the confidence that I and your many friends are going to have increasing grounds for pride in you throng your later achievements and influence, believe me

Ever faithfully yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


March 12, 1929


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