Letter from Charlie Sun, New York City, to Alfred E. Stearns October 1, 1929

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Letter from Charlie Sun, New York City, to Alfred E. Stearns October 1, 1929


Letter from Charlie Sun, New York City, to Alfred E. Stearns October 1, 1929


Dear Dr. Stearns:

Thank you for letting me read your letter from my father. He has written me a somewhat similar message, which I received just two days ago; I sincerely hope that my appointment will not be premature as was my job in Dr. Tong’s proposed mission. Thank you for your good and kind wishes, and I hope that I shall like England as I have America and do well in that country in my future studies as well as in my work in the Legation.

There is one thing which I wish to ask your advice about. My father intends to have me continue my studying in London. That is very well, but he also said that Dr. Sze will send for me around Christmas time. Columbia, as you know, Sir, follows the semester system. Therefore if I leave this country before the end of January, I shall not be able to receive any credit for the work which I am doing now at Columbia. It seems rather a pity that I should loose [sic] these points after a fall’s work. Don’t you think that it would be better that I stay here till the mid-year examinations are over in order that I may be credited for what I have done and then continue my studies in England? I shall write to my father the same and see if he can’t arrange with Dr. Sze to have my appointment postponed for two months.

Columbia opened on last Thursday. I am carrying the following courses: History of the British Empire, Modern Diplomatic History of the Far East, Government of England, and Basic Factors in International Relations. It is pretty hard to study in New York City, but I hope to overcome the difficulty. New York, however, has its attractions for me. I have more friends, who keep me from being homesick. In fact, my desire to go home is now almost gone. Besides Chinese friends I have also my old college chums whom I see rather often. Some of them are studying in Columbia as I am; while others are working in New York. I have been in the Amherst Club several times and have seen other old friends there. This weekend several of us plan to make a trip to Amherst by auto to see a football game and the Alma Mater. I am surprised that I feel homesick for the old place already.

I have been looking forward see you in New York at the beginning of this month as you have mentioned that you will be here month, but you must have been very busy.

Obediently yours,


Charlie Sun


Phillips Academy


October 1, 1929


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