Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, New York City October 4, 1929

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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, New York City October 4, 1929


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Charles Sun, New York City October 4, 1929


Dear Charlie:

Thank you for your good letter of October 1. I don't wonder that you feel a little skeptical about the position in England and have decided not to set your heart too strongly on it until you can be definitely assured that it is to be a reality. Anyway, we will hope for the best.

Your judgment on the wisdom of losing those four points at Colombia by an early start for England seems to me absolutely sound. You should certainly take up the matter promptly and frankly with Dr. Sze, who I am sure will appreciate what such a loss would mean to you. I can't believe that the conditions surrounding the new position would be such as to necessitate making the contacts in England on an absolutely definite date or to justify such a sacrifice as the loss of the Columbia credits would be. I believe, too, that your father would fully share those views if he clearly understood the circumstances, and I earnestly hope that Dr. Sze will agree with us and authorize you to round out the Columbia job.

I am glad that you are finding the life in New York so much pleasanter than you anticipated. You must have been a bit lonely at times in Amherst for your old friends from home. My own first engagement in New York comes the latter part of this month, when I shall hope to see you.

With all good wishes, believe me

Ever faithfully yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


October 4, 1929


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