Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to William E. Souter, Shanghai September 30, 1929

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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to William E. Souter, Shanghai September 30, 1929


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to William E. Souter, Shanghai September 30, 1929


My dear Mr. Souter:

I have your interesting letter of September 5 with the enclosures mentioned, and am forwarding a copy of Mr. Sun's letter to me to Charlie Sun at his Columbia address. I shall also, as I have already done, do my best to help Charlie get over his natural disappointment at the sudden and unexpected change in his prospects. From the tone of his letters to me, I feel that the boy has been exceptionally fine and manly in the whole matter, something which I should naturally expect from him, for he has proved about the most satisfactory Chinese boy with whom it has ever been my privilege to deal.

That you write me of Mr. Sun, Sr., is not surprising. All of my friends, like myself, who have seen his photograph, which I fortunately possess, have been immensely impressed with the wonderful combination of sweetness and strength which his face reveals. He must be an unusual man, and I hope that his health and strength will long be spared so that his countrymen may continue profit by his devoted and unselfish labors in their behalf.

With kindest personal regards, believe me

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


September 30, 1929


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