Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin November 14, 1929

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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin November 14, 1929


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin November 14, 1929


Dear Mr. Sun:

Minister Sze has just sent me from London your letter of July 20 in which you tell me that Mr. Sze is to bring me a piece of carved white jade of the Sung period and a gift from you. Mr. Sze writes that he had intended to come to this country on his way to London but was deterred from doing so, and that he will consequently ship the jade from London to me if he receives my instructions to do so. I have just written him suggesting that he should do this if he feels that so valuable and delicate an article can be safely sent. Otherwise, I have asked him to hold the jade until such a time as I may know of some one who is returning from England to this country and who can perhaps be persuaded to bring your gift directly to me.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I am touched by this latest evidence of your friendly good will. Nothing could possibly be appreciated or valued more highly by me than a piece of old Chinese jade. I can well recall how my mouth used to water when I was in China, if you will excuse this American slang, when I gazed on some of the wonderful pieces of carved jade that my eyes encountered in different places, and envied for once those whose material resources permitted them to own something of this kind. Of all the gifts that you and other kind friends have from time to time sent me, none, I am sure, will occupy a higher place in my estimation than this of which your letter brings the announcement. I can only endeavor through the poor medium of words to tell you the depth of my gratitude.

A telegram received from Charlie yesterday advises me that he is sailing from New York today on this S.S. "Bremen" to take up his new work with the Legation in London. I am sure that he will realize there the high expectations that we cherish for him and will prove himself a valuable member of the Legation staff. Of all the Chinese boys which it has been my privilege to meet and know here in America, none has appealed to me more strongly than Charlie, and none has won more fully my confidence and good will.

With warm personal regards and renewed thanks for your latest and most generous thought of me, believe me

Sincerely and gratefully yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


November 14, 1929


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