Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Thomas Sun, Middlebury College December 6, 1929


Dublin Core


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Thomas Sun, Middlebury College December 6, 1929


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Thomas Sun, Middlebury College December 6, 1929


Dear Tom:

I have your letter of December 4 with a statement of your expenses to date. Herewith find enclosed a check for five hundred fifty dollars ($550.00) for your further college expense. Please sign and return the accompanying receipt.

I realize that you have had extra expenses this year, though I am at a loss to understand how a college coach can justify his encouragement of extra if not perhaps unnecessary expenses for the members of his squad in connection with their football trips. There is bound to be added expenses for a boy on the football squad, I suppose, but certainly no coach has a right to add unnecessarily to this burden, which is a real burden to some boys. However, that water is already over the dam, so I won't discuss the matter further.

On the whole, I think you have done pretty well with your expenses, though I note that they have been running somewhat higher than those incurred by Charlie at Amherst. Indeed, at your father's request, I have just sent Charlie in London a draft covering his balance, which amounts to a bit over thirty-five hundred dollars. Yours is very much less than that, as you will note from the statement recently sent you. So do be careful, for I hate to have to report to your father any very noticeable differences in the amounts that you boys are spending, and it naturally seems as if living at Middlebury ought to be if anything a bit cheaper than Amherst.

I don't know what your father plans for your further study in this country, but I shall be only too glad to talk the matter over with you at your convenience and discuss with you all the pros and cons. Frankly, I don't see why you could not secure the German and French, if that is what your father wishes, about as well at Middlebury as at Harvard. This should certainly be true in the case of the French, which Middlebury has always emphasized.

Anyway, let's talk the whole thing over when you can get down here. Let me know in advance, though, when you plan to make the trip so that we may be sure to hit a date when I am to be here.

With all best wishes, believe me

Faithfully yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


December 6, 1929


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