Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin January 5, 1931


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin January 5, 1931


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin January 5, 1931


January 5, 1931
Mr. C. Y. Sun
44 Cambridge Road
Tientsin, China

My dear Mr. Sun:

I have received and read with the deepest interest your letter of November 8, which as you have explained was delayed in starting from China owing to sickness in your hone.
First of all, let me express my heartfelt sympathy with you in the great losses you have recently suffered in your home circle. This must have been a hard year for you. but I am sure that you have faced these new sorrows and borne the added load with that same courage and fortitude which your friends have always noted and admired in you in the past. My sympathy and my best wishes for you all are very deep and very sincere.

I have passed on to Mary the good news of her coming return to China, and have told her of your wish that she should make the European trip before she returns and in accordance with your earlier promise to her. There will be ample funds from those which I hold to your credit at the present time to care for all of this extra expense, and I will take steps just as soon as I hear definitely from Mary to have the proper reservations for the journeys made. I assume from your letter that you plan to have Mary return to America from Europe and go back to China by the way of the Pacific route. If I am wrong in this assumption* please do not hesitate to advise me.

In order that you may have the financial situation up to date, I am enclosing a statement covering both Tom’s and Mary's recent receipts and expenditures and present balances. Of course, I cannot say what sums they may carry in their personal accounts at the present time, as I have found it necessary since they are no longer in immediate contact with me to furnish them lump sums from time to time to cover their charges and necessary expanses. Further, I have felt that in view of their years it was educationally important that they should develop an increased appreciation of the value of money and sense of responsibility towards it by handling their own accounts for themselves. I have no reason to believe from the expense accounts they have submitted to me from time to time that they have in any way abased this confidence or spent their money extravagantly.

Assuring you again of my readiness to aid and help you and your children in any way and at any time up to the limit of my ability, and trusting that in spite of the sorrows of recent months your coming New Year may bring you real satisfaction and even happiness in the contemplation of the fine and permanent services you have rendered to mankind, believe me always,

Very sincerely yours


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


January 5, 1931


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