Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin April 25, 1931


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin April 25, 1931


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin April 25, 1931


April 24, 1931
Mr. C. Y. Sun
44 Cambridge Road
Tientsin, China

Dear Mr. Sun:

Thank you for your good letter of April 2. It has just reached my desk after having made seemly an unusually fast trip to the States.

I have written Mary telling her of your decision that she is to return direct to China without going to Europe, though I imagine you have already yourself sent her this information. I have also told her that I am ready and I shall be glad to arrange at once for the proper reservations as soon as she tells me when she will be ready to sail. She spoke in a recent letter of desiring to go on the same boat with some good friends of hers and hence I imagine she has definite ideas of the boat and time of mailing. I will see also that she has not only the necessary passage money but the additional one thousand dollars as requested.

I am disappointed, naturally, at your decision in regard to Tom who I very much fear may not so fully as you anticipate realize your ambitions by remaining in this country. Tom has been pretty desperately homesick and a bit discouraged since his graduation from Middlebury, where he did so well and stood so high in the estimation of his many friends. It is not for me, however, to dispute your judgement or question your vision. I shall do everything in my power to encourage Tom to put his best effort into the work before him and to justify your high hopes in his behalf. My great fear is that by his long continued stay here, Tom will have grown so far away from his own country, its customs, traditions, and ideals, as to render him less efficient when he does return for the high service he ought to be able to render. Perhaps my fears are ill-founded. I hope so, anyway.

With renewed assurances of my esteem and friendliest greetings to you and the other members of your family circle, believe me

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


April 25, 1931


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