Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin September 17, 1931


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin September 17, 1931


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to C.Y. Sun, Tientsin September 17, 1931


September 17, 1931

Mr. C.Y.Sun
44 Cambridge Road
Tientsin, China

Dear Mr. Sun:

It was very thoughtful and kind of you to write me so promptly of the safe arrival of Mary and Tom. Needless to say, the news brought me great relief and pleasure. Mary had sent me a postal from time to time on the journey, and Tom has written me, too, generous letters which I have enjoyed immensely.

Of course I am greatly pleased at your testimony as to the character of the development which you note in your children. I can only hope that all of your ideals will have been largely attained as your watch them later at their new work in the old home environment. Sometimes I wonder just how far it is fair and proper to go in subjecting Easterners to Western conditions and life and vice versa, when those involved are eventually to be forced to adjust themselves again to home conditions. Unquestoinably there is much to be gained if the later adjustments can be and are properly made. I have known some cases, however, where this has proved a very difficult and at times painful process, and in a few instances, at least, it has proved seemly impossible. I am confident, however, from what I know of both Mary and Tom, and especially because I have such confidence in your wisdom and judgment, that they will both fill their places in the new life now opening to them and do their work in a way that shall bring credit to them and happiness to you.

I will hold as you have requested the balance of your funds, of which I have already sent you a statement, until I receive further instructions from you. I should imagine that remission at this time, when the exchange is so distinctly in your favor, might be well worth considering, though of course that is a matter for you and not for me to determine.

It is greatly distressing to me to hear of your continued ill-health, and I do hope with all my heart that you may shortly face a turn for the better and that the next report that comes to me may be of a far more happy kind. In the meantime, please accept my sincere good wishes for the days ahead, and my warm personal regards. Let me assure you again, too, that such little service as I have been able to render you and your children has been a real joy to me, and one which in its own satisfactions has supplied ample reward for whatever strain or stress may have been involved.

Very sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


September 17, 1931


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