Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu, February 11, 1931


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu, February 11, 1931


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu, February 11, 1931


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu about Tu's academic progress. Congratulates Tu on the progress made. Hopes Tu will continue the progress. Will forward the report to Tu's father along with a letter from Stearns.


February 11, 1931
M. Kong Y. Tu
43ft Columbus Avenue
Boston Massachusetts

My dear Tu:

I am delighted to get a letter from Vice President Wells of Burdett College this morning in which he has been good enough to enclose a report from your department knock, a report which indicates that you have made some really definite progress in your work and improvement in your attitude and effort during the last few weeks. This really is the first encouraging report that has reached me for many months, and I am daring to hope that the recorded change is of a permanent nature and that we are really going to hear good things of you and your progress from now on. I have taken the liberty of writing your father and telling him of the general character of the report in question and how pleased I am with it.

Please don’t disappoint me again. Now that you have once tasted for yourself the satisfaction of real progress and worth while gains. 1 trust that you may so enjoy the flavor of the thing that you will be induced to put forth still harder effort for the future.

With all good wishes, believe me

Very sincerely yours


Dr. Alfred E Stearns


Phillips Academy


February 11, 1931


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