Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Frederick Lent, Elmira College May 24, 1926


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Frederick Lent, Elmira College May 24, 1926


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Frederick Lent, Elmira College May 24, 1926


May 24, 1926
President Frederick Lent
Elmire College
Elmira, N.Y.

My dear Dr. Lent:

Accept my hearty thanks for your generous decision to admit Mary Sun to Elmira College on the recommendations already sent you. I am forwarding the good news to Mr. Sze at Washington who, I am sure, will share my feelings of appreciation and gratitude.

I have written to Mary’s present school for a detailed statement of the work she will have covered at the end of this current school year. This ought to be available within the next two or three days. It is the expectation of Mr. Sze and myself that Miss Sun will continue her studies this summer under the guidance of one of your faculty so as to round out, so far as possible, the full preparation required of your girls who enter in the regular way.

I greatly appreciate your onerous invitation to me to preach at Elmira some time next fall. With my ward Mary Sun there, I should naturally be more strongly tempted than ever to contribute the time involved in malting the trip, for that is the main element that I have to consider. Under the circumstances I am strongly tempted to say "yes" to your invitation, even though I have felt it necessary to curtail pretty rigidly for the coming school year these outside speaking engagements which have become a bit too exacting during the past year or two. I should prefer a date in late November or early December, if such an arrangement should prove acceptable to you.

Very sincerely yours.


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


May 24, 1926


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