Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Arthur Sun, MIT August 12, 1926


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Arthur Sun, MIT August 12, 1926


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Arthur Sun, MIT August 12, 1926


August 12, 1926.
Mr. Arthur Sun,
Technology Dormitories
Cambridge, Mass.

Dear Arthur:

I have your letter of August 10th and am enclosing checks as requested, one for Mr. Mirabelli and the other to you for advance allowance. Please send me the receipts promptly. You have really been dreadfully careless about bills and receipts, although I take extra pains to enclose addressed and stamped return envelopes whenever I send you a check. In spite of this, the receipts frequently do not come back until you have occasion later to write for money. This not only means extra trouble for me, but is distinctly unbusinesslike on your part. For your own sake, if you ever hope to be a success, do try to overcome this carelessness, and be careful and prompt in all matters relating to the handling of money.

Tom has applied for admission to Middlebury College and is now tutoring at the Thorn Mountain Summer Camp at Jackson, New Hampshire. Mary is going to Elmira College, and has recently received notice that she is fully admitted. Tom troubles me, as usual. His final report in June with us was wretched, and, though he assured me that it did not represent the real work he had actually done, and that he would prove this on the college examinations, the college returns were equally bad. If he fails to get into Middlebury I am strongly disposed to give him a year in a strict Military School. Otherwise, I really think he ought to go back to China, for he appears to be drifting more and more until I wonder whether we can stop it.

As to your job next fall. It seems to me that the best way to get at the thing is to interview some of your instructors there at Tech, who are constantly placing follows in positions such as you seek, and who can tell you far more than I can just how to go to work to find a position. Try this anyway, and then let me know what success you have. I shall be glad to help you in every way I can, but am naturally limited in my ability to do so.

I am hoping to start for the lake the last of this week, and be there until school opens next month. If you have occasion to write, however, letters sent to Andover will be forwarded, and in any case, the receipts for the checks enclosed should be returned to the office here, and in the envelope I am sending with them.

Ever sincerely yours.


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


August 12, 1926


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