Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu, June 23, 1931


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Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu, June 23, 1931


Letter from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Mr. Kong Y. Tu, June 23, 1931


Typed letter sent from Dr. Alfred E. Stearns to Kong Y. Tu about returning China. States Tu's father has decided Tu should return to China after reviewing the recent report and previous discussions. Asks Tu to visit in order to plan trip. Asks Tu to call in advance to plan a time.


June 23, 1931

Mr. Kong Y.Tu
438 Columbus Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts

My dear Tu:

I have just received a letter from your father in which he tells me that after careful study of the report of the business school and in consideration of recent discussions that we have had about the matter, he has decided that it is best for you to return to China after the closing of the present school term. He has asked me to get in touch with you and arrange for your trip, so I am going to ask if you will not plan to come out here very soon to talk things over with me.

As I am likely to be out of town a good deal of the time from now on, may I suggest that you telephone either my office or house in advance so that we can be sure of hitting on an hour convenient to us both? For the coming week, at least, I shall probably be at home during the XX and I shall also plan to put in an hour or two at the office in the morning for most of the days, at least.

So please let me hear from you, and promptly.

Very sincerely yours

P.S. I am enclosing a note which your father has asked me to forward to you.


Dr. Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


June 23, 1931


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