Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, April 18, 1928


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Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, April 18, 1928


Letter from Alfred E. Stearns to Mary Sun, Elmira College, April 18, 1928


Dear Mary:

I have just read with interest your letter written last Sunday and am sorry to learn that your father has once more vetoed the nurse proposition. Curiously, after hearing from your Dean only a few days ago, I wrote your father enclosing the Dean’s letter and urging once more that favorable consideration be given to your expressed desire to train for nursing. As Miss Harris and I are both agreed that this would seemingly be wise, I dared hope that our joint recommendation might produce some effect. From what you write me, however, I am naturally fearful that we shall not accomplish much.

In the meantime if your father has expressed his desire for you to take shorthand and typewriting, go at this at once and with all the enthusiasm you can command. At your age it will mean hard and steady work, but you can accomplish much even against the handicap of age, provided you will give the work your serious and constant attention.

I am very much disappointed at the low marks lately reported from the Dean’s Office, for it is evident that, unless your standing can be distinctly bettered, the college authorities are not likely to be willing to have you return next year and complete the course. That would mean that a transfer to another college would be wholly out of the question I can’t believe that you need to or will be willing to face a real catastrophe like this and I am still convinced that earnest effort on your part can prevent it. Since your father has expressed himself so definitely, there is only one thing for you to do and that is to abide by his wishes and do the best that is within your power with the courses you are carrying. I shall look forward hopefully to later reports which I earnestly trust may be of a far more satisfactory kind.

With all good wishes, believe me

Ever sincerely yours,


Alfred E. Stearns


Phillips Academy


April 18, 1928


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