Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Stearns, September 18, 1931


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Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Stearns, September 18, 1931


Letter from H.K. Tu to Dr. Stearns, September 18, 1931


Typed letter sent from H.K. Tu to Dr. Alfred E. Stearns. Informs Stearns K.Y. Tu returned to China safely. States his son's account is overdrawn. Requests the amount owed in order to pay back. Has been promoted to President of Naval Academy of China. Thanks Stearns for everything done for his son.


September 18th, 1931

My dear Dr. Stearnes:

I wish to inform you that my son Kwong has safely returned to China* My plan is to get for him a suitable position which will give him an opportunity to learn. That is what he needs most. After an absence of more than seven years he will require some time to get himself acquainted with the conditions in China. I am glad that he is back.

In regard to my account with you, I am afraid that my son has overdrawn on you. I shall be highly obliged if you will be kind enough to let me know at your earliest convenience the amount of money which I owe you so that I can remit it to you.
I am leaving tomorrow for Fukien to become President of the Naval College of China. The Government wishes me to reform it, but I am not certain whether I will be able to do anything. However I will try my best. After all, the reform of the Chinese navy must begin with the reform of the naval college.

In conclusion, I wish to thank you once more for what you have done for my son during his stay in the United States. Your kindness to him and me will never be forgotten and will be remembered always.

With my best regards.
Yours very sincerely,


H.K. Tu


Phillips Academy


September 18, 1931


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