Letter from Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., to Alfred E. Stearns, May 28, 1928


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Letter from Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., to Alfred E. Stearns, May 28, 1928


Letter from Charles Sun, Amherst, Mass., to Alfred E. Stearns, May 28, 1928


Dear Dr. Stearns:

Next year I plan to stay in the same dormitory, that is, Morrow, where I am rooming now. If you don’t have any objections, will you please kindly sign the application blank for me?

I was sorry to have missed the big celebration at Andover, but with the amount of work on hand it was impossible for me to go. Our college year is drawing fast to a close, and as usual work seems to pile on more heavily at the same time. I shall finish taking my finals by the 11th of June; then I wish to stay in New York for a week with my Chinese friends; my camp work in Vermont starts on the 23rd. of June. Do you approve of my going to New York for a short sojourn? By the way, Sir, I must thank you a lot for writing Mr. B. N. Clark of Vermont for me; it surely helped me immensely in getting that camp job.

Prof. Bradley, my political science teacher, has been aiding me in locating a good graduate school for the study of Municipal Administration, which I plan to take up after my father has rejected my proposal to study military science. We finally chose three schools; namely, Michigan, Syracuse, and the National Institute of Public Administration in New York City. Of the three Prof. Bradley seems to favor Michigan the most; Prof. Reed of that University, he said, is one of the best man in this line that I can possibly get anywhere in the States. I wish to have your opinion, Sir, too; so that when I write to my father that Michigan is the place I wish to do my graduate work, I can back up my choice by your and Mr. Bradley’s recommendations. Our people at home seem to care about the name of a college more than anything else. That is why my father disapproved of my going to Norwich University; because, he said, he never heard of the place. This time I wish to make sure that he will find no fault with the school.

With my best wishes,

Obediently yours,


Charles Sun


Phillips Academy


May 28, 1928


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