Letter from Thomas Sun, New Haven, Conn., to Alfred E. Stearns, September 21, 1930


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Letter from Thomas Sun, New Haven, Conn., to Alfred E. Stearns, September 21, 1930


Letter from Thomas Sun, New Haven, Conn., to Alfred E. Stearns, September 21, 1930


My dear Dr. Stearns,

As you may see I am now located in New Haven at the above adress [sic]. I am here awaiting the opening of Yale University, right at the present moments, I am very busy with unpacking and tryong [sic] to get settled so that I will have no worries during the year.

After Middlebury, New Haven impresses rather queer. I am not so sure whether I will like the town. It is a typical college town along the same line as Middlebury but on a larger scale. But the attitude of the people here is strikingly different from that of Middlebury. I have lost count of just how many times I was yelled at in the streets as follows "Hello, there, you Chink". Knowing such remarks are not forthcoming from the better type of people, I did not pay much attention to them, but after a while, it becomes a little annoying, and so far I have been able to withstand such fun-making using as much diplomacy as possible,— but there is liable to be a breaking point to my sensitive nature.

Everywhere I go, I was gazed at as a newcomer into the ranks of the exclusive. I am not at all at ease. I have been trying as much as I can to be nice to them, but that only makes me more conspicious. I am really at loss as to what to do. As a result, I have been in my room all the time when I am not out for meals, which is really a necessity when I must go out onto the streets.

Physically, I am comfortably settled, but mentally, I am not.

All the other Chinese students in town as what any American might picture them to be--sloppy, lazy, meekly and whatnot. Since I am a new comer into the ranks of them, I was not favorably received by the students here or by anybody. After a while it might prove a little discouraging.

But, however, I am here to stay till something drastic happens. Other Chinese students endured it, and there is no reason why I can not. I haven’t met a single soul I know as yet, and chances are that I shall not if the attitude continues. Of course, in a larger college, one can not expect to know everyone. At the same time, I like to know someone who is worth knowing.

I think I will join the Y.M.C.A. By that I hope to make some acquantances [sic] with the better elements of New Haven. I also received a bid from the Cosmopolitan Club of Yale University which is a club formed by the foreign students of Yale University, with which I do not know what to do.

All my courses are concentrating in the department of Political Science. They promise to be hard, and I hope that I will be able to swing them all right.

Sincerely yours


Thomas Sun


Phillips Academy


September 21, 1930


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